ROSSI Biofuel Zrt.: IT support

2024. 07. 16. (06:16)

Responsibilities and duties:

Communication with IT colleagues in Slovakia and with software operators
Installation, assembly and maintenance of IT infrastructure equipment
Responding in a timely manner to service issues and requests
Providing technical support across the company
Setting up accounts for new users
Work together with other departments in request
System administrator of existing and upcoming softwares
Regular maintenance of hardware and software
Hardware management
Participation in the development of equipment park
Responsibility for the equipment park
Suppliment of IT equipment
IT troubleshooting


Qualifications: secondary education
Professional experience: minimum 1 year
Language knowledge: Hungarian and English  and slovakian is advantage
Higher education

What we offer

Stable job
Competitive salary
High fuel cost to travel
Year-end bonus
Good team

Workplace extras


Company info

Rossi Biofuel Zrt, Komárom, Kőolaj u.2

Apply HERE!


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